Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pajama & Reading Marathon

Yesterday, Aleena's class had a pajama and reading day.  The second grader's wore their pajamas, and brought pillows, blankets and stuffed animals to spend the day reading together.




Tuesday was "Crazy Hair" day at ISB Elementary School.  Jacob is now in middle school, and Nalin went to a friend's house to fix up her hair, so my only model was Aleena.  Aleena was not happy with the "craziness" of her hair.


Moving On Ceremony

Nalin had her elementary school graduation ceremony today.  When she returns to ISB next fall, she will join her older brother in middle school.

She is looking forward to middle school, but a few friends are leaving, and I think that she is really going to miss them.  Fortunately, a couple of her best friends are staying, which should make things a bit easier.

In addition to the handing out of diplomas, the celebration included the students singing a few songs and a slide show of photos of the kids throughout the year.  The kids seemed to have a good time.  After the ceremony ended at about 9:00 a.m., they spent the rest of the day at the pool, having a party

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dance Recital

Nalin and Aleena had their dance recital last week.  They both did a great job, Aleena with her jazz performance, and Nalin with jazz and street funk.

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