Today was the Pinewood Derby for pack 701. The car registration took place this morning from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Jacob and I went in and registered his car. It weighed in at 4.75 ounces, comfortably under the 5 ounce limit.
Jacob's den's race was scheduled for 2:50, and his uniform inspection at 3:10 pm. We were planning on leaving at about 2:30 in order to get there a few minutes early. At 2:20 I received a phone call from an assistant den leader that they were running the races ahead of schedule. She had missed her son's race and they were racing Jacob's den at that moment. His car raced, he was not there to see it. I actually felt bad, because the reason they missed it was because I had told her that her son's race was not scheduled until 2:10. They arrived at 2:05 and missed it by ten minutes.
We arrived just in time for Jacob's uniform inspection, but missed his actual race. The good news was that Jacob's car won first place in his den. All the den winners raced at the end, and he did not make the finals of that race. Still, he was very happy with his car's performance.
It was pretty frustrating to miss the races. At least one person was pretty upset about it. Although the cars did get to race even if the scout was not present, a big part of the thrill is seeing your car race.
I entered another car under Nalin's name. Instead of painting it, I covered it with cub scout stickers. I didn't add much in the way of weights, and it did not perform well in the open races.
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