Aleena attended all three shows; she really enjoyed watching her sister and the rest of the cast perform. Of course she also enjoyed gabbing with whomever was sitting next to her. I managed to see two of the three shows, and was a parent supervisor for the other (I could have went, but didn't). Handling a room full of boys was fun. One boy was crying because he thought his mobile phone was broken (it wasn't), while two other boys were fighting over who owned some dollar toy. I looked at them and told them that we are two minutes from going on stage, "put it down and we'll sort it out later."
After the final show, we went out to have dinner at KFC and eat ice cream at Swensens. Today was the cast party, and by all accounts it was fun.
I didn't take a lot of photos, as the light is always challenging in the theater. I took a few outside after the performance that I thought turned out well enough.
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