Friday, April 8, 2011

ES Games

The first three years that we were here, ISB had ES Games, where each class would compete against other classes in their grade level.  The event was held in December, and would include some indoor games as well as several track events.  

This year, December passed by and their was no ES Games.  This week each grade had a double recess period, where the classes competed in games and participated in activities.  Aleena's class had an obstacle course, and played a game where you tried to knock the beach ball across the opponent's line by throwing Nerf balls at it.  They let the parents play as well, and it probably didn't hurt Aleena's team that one of the fathers was a quarterback at Mississippi State back in the mid 80's.  Jacob and Nalin had similar events where you would try to knock down cones with Nerf balls and bowling pins with Frisbees.  

After the games, each student received a fruit smoothie from Twist.  I think that might have been the highlight of the games, at least for my children.


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