Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Yesterday was Tim's birthday.  Our plan had been to have lunch together at a hotel downtown, and have dinner with the kids at home.  We had to change plans at the last minute because some things came up that Tim had to handle for work.  Our family celebration is moved to Friday, and lunch to next week.

Normally we are pretty low key when it comes to presents, and this year was in line with that tradition.  Last year was a milestone, so I did quite a bit more, including buying her a nice TAG Heuer watch and taking her on a surprise trip to Sukhothai.  This year I bought some music on iTunes and put it on her iPhone.  She's been wanting new music for working out and now she has some.

After we dropped the kids off in the morning a few of her friends stopped by briefly before she went to work.  Joom, Joy and Michelle came over and dropped of a lovely bouquet of flowers.

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