Monday, November 3, 2008

Home Maid Frustration

Our maid is frustrating the hell out of Tim and I. When Tim tells her to do something a certain way, she doesn't listen, rather does it her own way. Her idea of putting stuff away is just stuffing it in the closest drawer.

Sometimes, I wonder if she is just trying to screw with us. I grabbed a can of coke out of the refrigerator the other day and noticed it was just barely cool. I saw that there were a bunch of cans in there, so I thought that perhaps she had just put them in. The next day I pulled another not so cold can out. I looked at the temperature and she had it set to 1, the warmest temperature other than "off".

Tim, while frustrated, is hoping that it will work out. Still, we are looking for someone else to start working for us. If we find someone else, we'll let them work and keep who is best. Kind of like a two person Survivor challenge.


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog - I'll read more in the coming days. This will be a very general statement about Thais that I half believe myself... Thais don't really listen. I don't know why that is - they just do as they wish. They do what they are programmed to do. They don't change easily. The maid may not understand English. Or, is your wife Thai? Not sure yet as I need to read more. Notice that when you go to a restaurant you might get served the same thing over and over because they don't listen to what you ask for - they just figure you're getting what you got last time or what you usually get. Happens many times a week to me here. At first I thought it was a couple absent minded people. No, it's the country and all inhabitants. hahah! I know I'm really generalizing here but that's what I believe sometimes. Enjoy your stay! - Vern

Brian V. (aka Spurlock) said...

I do indeed have a Thai wife. The maid either doesn't listen or is just stubborn, although she is from Myanmar.

I've definitely encountered people not listening, not thinking, or not caring too much in any case. "Hey, why does it matter if you don't get the food you actually wanted, I put something in front of you."