Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weight & Weights

One of the things that I've struggled with over the past few months is that I'm not really losing any more weight.  The good news is that I'm not really gaining any weight.  My weight tends to fluctuate a bit over the course of a week, but overall its still where it was in March.

Part of the problem is my diet.  I have just not been controlling my caloric intake as much as I'd like.  Its not as bad as it was back in October or November, but its far from ideal.

One bright spot is that although I'm not getting lighter, I am feeling quite a bit stronger.  I haven't really tried to max anything out, but I really see the difference in things like dips and pull ups.  Honestly, I can't remember the last time that I was able to do a pull up prior to a few months ago.  A fat butt and gut mixed with weak arms does not a pull up machine make.  Now I can do five or so.  Still nothing to brag about, but much better than it was before.

Even when I lifted for a while in 2002, I could not do unassisted dips.  I would have to use a counter weight to help me.  Now I can do sets of ten as part of my circuit. 

One good thing is that I have not lost my desire to work out every day.  I do miss occasionally, like yesterday when I had to go to the doctor and take Tim to the airport.  Even on those days when I think that maybe I should skip, the notion quickly passes and I go.  Now I just have to keep doing it for the rest of my life.

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