Monday, December 14, 2015


One of the shows we enjoy watching together as a family is Survivor.  Tim and I started watching on the second episode of season one and watched pretty faithfully for the first twelve or thirteen seasons.  We really didn't start back up until we moved back to the U.S. in 2013 and I watched an episode with the kids.  It is now part of an axis of TV viewing which also includes Master Chef and Cutthroat Kitchen.

Aleena's favorite player this year has been Kelley Wentworth, a returning player from season 29.  I saw on twitter that Kelley offered to autograph things for her fans.  I sent her a photo (with a self-addressed stamp envelope) and asked her to autograph it for Aleena.  

When the envelope arrived today, I told Aleena that she had mail.  She had no idea what was inside as she was opening it.  Her face lit up when she saw the autographed photo.  In addition to the autograph, she wrote a very nice little note to Aleena.  

Kelley is now my favorite Survivor player too.  Go #teamwentworth.

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