Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Fight

The other day I was driving on Sukhumvit Road and was stuck in traffic.  A motor cycle pulled over by the curb, parked his bike and got off.  It drew my attention because it wasn't really a typical place to park.  I'm not sure why that draws my attention anymore here, but none the less it did.

My eyes followed the motorcyclist as he walked between cars and stopped at a taxi a few cars behind me.  He reached into the taxi, grabbed the driver by the shirt and started screaming at him.  The motorcyclist was not tall by western standards, but he was certainly hefty by Thai standards.  I couldn't really see the taxi driver very well, as he was in the cab and was trying to lean away from his window and his assailant.  This went on for at least a minute until the light changed.  As I started moving again, I saw that the motorcyclist had let the taxi driver go and headed back to his bike.

Apparently this isn't such an uncommon thing.  I talked to Yaow (nanny) about it, and apparently taxi drivers and motorcyclist get into it sometimes.  That's the thing about Thais.  Most of the time they keep their cool and don't display any anger.  When they do, however, it is often what we in the West would consider out of proportion.  Instead of just yelling at the guy, for example, he grabbed him.

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