Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dangerous Sledding

A recent Obama commercial portrayed McCain as out of touch, pointing out that McCain has never used the Internet or sent emails. Perhaps the Obama camp should have used the Internet themselves a bit first before using this as an example.

First, on the face of it, it doesn't even matter. The President does not need to be sending his own emails, nor do I expect him to be doing his own Internet research. His time is too valuable for that.

There's a more fundamental problem with this attack. The reason that John McCain doesn't use the Internet is because he cannot type. He cannot type because his torturers in Vietnam left one of his hands crippled to the point that he can't use a mouse, a keyboard, or even comb his own hair.

So when it comes down to it, John McCain sacrificed the ability to use the Internet for his country. Somehow I think that voters in heartland would think more of a candidate for his physical sacrifice, not less. It just seems like something that could just so easily backfire on them.

Perhaps the techno-savy Obama campaign should have done a little research on McCain's physical capabilities before they aired this commercial. Perhaps they did, but decided to air the ad anyway, counting on the fact that most people would never ask why.

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