Thursday, April 7, 2011

China Town

On Tuesday night, Tim and I went out with some friends to Bangkok's China Town.  We were all the parents of first graders.  ISB requires a parent or nanny to drop off the kids up through first grade, so you end up getting to know the some of the other first grade parents pretty well.  

We didn't leave Nichada until almost 9:00 p.m., and arrived in China Town about half past nine.  Our first stop was a noodle stand which served noodles (big surprise) with some really tasty pork.  There was just a tiny bit of pork in each bowl, so when I dropped the biggest piece on the ground, Tim just glowered at me.  Next we went to another street restaurant, this time down an alley.  I went to get some water from 7-11, and by the time I returned, they were already finished.

The first two stops were pretty small servings; just enough to whet our appetites.    At our third stop, we ordered quite a bit of food, including crab, shrimp, vegetables, and even snails.  The real treat, however, came in the form of cooked crickets and grasshoppers sold by a cart passing the restaurant.  Not everyone partook in the but eating, but I did.  They actually weren't bad.  The crickets were a bit salty, and the grasshoppers a bit chewy.  To further add to the street ambiance, a garbage truck pulled behind for a few minutes.  

Our final stop was at a street stall that served some Thai deserts.  I skipped most of the deserts, but did try a chocolate filled bun, which was quite good.  

It was a pretty late night, and we didn't get home until almost 1:00 a.m.  Sorry there are no photos from me, as I left my camera at home for the night.

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