Sunday, August 8, 2010

1st Day School

1st Day School
Originally uploaded by ebvImages
The kids started back to school today. Yes, indeed it was a joyous day in the Vogel house. I'm not saying I won't miss them at all, but its good that they are a way for a bit so I can find out if I do.

Aleena's first official day isn't until tomorrow. She goes and meets with her teacher and some of her classmates today. I guess they want to ease those first graders in a bit. This explains why Aleena is not wearing her uniform.

There is also something different about today as far as Nalin and Jacob's uniform. No, it doesn't have anything to do with the different color pants, at least not directly. Students have PE every other day and on those days wear their PE uniforms. The 1st, 3rd and 5th graders have PE on the same day, while K, 2nd and 4th graders share PE days. Jacob and Nalin normally do not wear their regular uniforms on the same. day. Maybe this is also boring and inane trivia day. I'll let you decide the accuracy of that.

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