Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Weekend

So after the show on Friday, I went back to Tim's office with her.  She had a meeting that was supposed to last an hour, so I was going to wait it out and ride back home with her.  The meeting took almost four hours.  The time wasn't completely wasted, I got a foot massage and stopped at the pharmacy there.  I had a small ache in my lower back, so I picked up some medicine for it.

Tim and I got home about 10:00 p.m.  I ate a leftover hamburger and we went to bed.  About 2:30 a.m., Nalin came and woke up Tim, complaining of stomach problems and that she had vomited.  About thirty minutes later, I woke up feeling very ill.  I was nauseous, vomiting and had diarrhea.    As you might imagine, I was pretty miserable.  I didn't know the cause of the problem; a virus, food poisoning, or some reaction to the medicine that I had taken.   I didn't sleep the rest of the night.  Finally in the morning, I was able to drift off to sleep.

We had made plans to go to Pattaya on Saturday to view a fireworks show.  Tim had already booked a hotel room and acquired tickets through one of her contacts at work.  With both Nalin and I feeling sick, we decided to cancel our plans.

By late morning, I was feeling somewhat better, although still very tired and a little nauseous.  I napped throughout the day.  Nalin was feeling somewhat better, although she wasn't able to keep much food down. 

Around 11:00 p.m. I decided to go to bed.  Shortly after I started getting severe pains in my upper back.  I tried to change positions to alleviate the pain.  At first it worked, but eventually it didn't matter if I stood, sat or lied down; it just really hurt.  After about a half an hour, I woke Tim up and had her take me to the emergency room.  As Yaow was not home, Tim called her brother Top who drove over to sit with the girls while we were gone.  Jacob was already spending the night at Top's house; visiting his cousin Noodie. 

The doctor gave me a shot gave me relief pretty quickly.  I came home went right to bed, sleeping for about ten hours. 

Nalin was also feeling better by morning.  Tim took the three kids out for brunch with Top's family.  Afterwards they went to see a movie.  I decided to stay home and rest. 

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